Tag Archives: zane lowe

#oneaday 41: I should’ve just shown up and said ‘get in this car, let’s run’

10 Feb

Today’s music Thursday (catchy, no?) inspiration is brought to you by The Airborne Toxic Event. I’ve always seen this band on the periphery of what I should or might like, based on my taste in music (or lack thereof) but Zane Lowe played them on the radio tonight and I thought, why haven’t I listened to them before?

So I’m listening to them now.

They have little twangs of Springsteen, more upbeat (!) Bright Eyes, The Strokes (by the way, have you heard Under Cover of Darkness yet? I love it), even maybe a bit Libertines-esque? N.B. All the ‘similar’ bands on their Last.fm page aren’t very similar to them at all.

It’s cheering me up no end. Kitchen dance/cookoff is in full force. What do you think? Are you a fan? Any recommendations for me?